Thursday, June 7, 2018

Day 1...or day 16,429...

So I've often considered starting a blog, but who wants to read the thoughts in my head? Who wants to hear about my crazy days, where children crash into eachother while walking, and cats have kittens in my undie drawer (every time same spot). Maybe no one, maybe someone, but here goes either way.
Day 1 as a blogger, day 16,429 as a living human in this big beautiful world. Mom of seven, yes 7. No I'm not insane, or a welfare mom, or an expletive that rhymes with hut. I am just me and life happens. Did I plan to be a mom to 7? Nope. Would I change it? Not one second of it. You'll get to know them if you follow my posts, and hopefully understand why I needed each of them to teach me about the world.
Factory worker changing the world. Yes I feel that way, I work for a pretty amazing company. BD... Becton Dickinson to the world. I make medical supplies, test tubes to be specific now, I used to make diabetic insulin needles (how cool are both jobs)? Well, maybe not for some but for me I like it. If I make 400,000 tubes a day I touch 400,000 lives. That's pretty amazing in my eyes.
38 year old woman: or perma 21 if you ask my kids. Yes, I'm 38, and I live it. My childhood was rough, my teens a night mare. My 20s a roller coaster, my late 30s I've found me. I've accepted me, and finally like me. I'm mouthy, reserved, shy, insecure, confident, brave, scared, funny, serious, beautiful, and plain. If that's not a mouthful I don't know what is. I've finally learned to appreciate sunrises, and sunsets, the smell of baking bread, and coffee. Which leads us to...
Coffee and nicotine: Coffee omg my life blood, without it I'm not a functioning human. My aunt's house always smelled like fresh brewed coffee and laundry detergent, my comfort smells. Is there anything better? Nicotine, yes, I smoke, yes, I know it's horrible for me, so are the antidepressants and mood enhancers I'd surely need if I didn't smoke. No your approval isn't needed. If I quit, I'll let you know. Until then know one of my favorite smoking quotes is, "If I didn't smoke, I'd take up homicide". Back to coffee, I'll talk about it a lot, I love it, it loves me, enough said.
I think that covers me for now. You'll get to know more in future posts, more about my life, my kids, the chaos that is my life. It's a beautiful ride, enjoy it.


  1. I've always wanted to do this...glad you are doing something you've always wanted to do.��

    1. Thank you, I think around here I'll have plenty of material lol
