Friday, June 8, 2018

Day 2... The Craziness continues

Good morning world! Morning since I had kids during the summer has quickly become my favorite time of day. A good cup of coffee, the sun coming up and the mourning doves, best of all sleeping happy tiny humans. No fighting, no one asking for snacks, no one crying. Just peaceful snoring.
Mornings help me appreciate what I often forget to notice. I appreciate the million roses on my once thought doomed rose bush. I notice the tomatoes blooming and just take it all in. What an amazing world we live in.
Of course I also notice things like, the yard needing mowed, the mishmosh weirdo bush by my garage trying to take over the planet, that thing won't die... I've tried it now appears it may win...
On today's agenda? Mow the yard, avoiding all non-legged creepy crawlers at all costs... p.s. the cat brought one of those things that will not be named IN MY HOUSE, I may need to move. Weed eat around everything that stands still. Take a hack saw to that bush (I will win!) Fire up the smoker! I love my smoker btw, if you haven't invested in one you should.
Send kids to pool, spray yard for mosquitos and make sun tea. Pretty much cram a weeks worth of chores into a day.
First though... more coffee, I heard someone rustle and soon the chaos will ensue and my coffee will get cold before I get it drank.

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