Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day

First of all happy fathers day, to all the dad's, even mine. Tim became a dad at 23, seems young huh? 14 months later he became a single dad. Thank goodness for his parents, they would be just as much my parents as Tim.
My dad taught me a lot, I can doctor an animal, bait a hook, shoot almost any gun, track most animals, plant a garden, butcher my own meat, change oil and even turn a wrench. He tried.
I won't say he was loving, I'm not even sure if he loved me, he never said. He didn't give out hugs, or pats on the back. He tried though, he worked hard. Punished hard. Lived hard. 3 marriages...
I wasn't an easy teen, I was angry by 13, I'd been beaten, abandoned and I was mad. His job was to protect me, and in my eyes he failed. Even when he tried I think, he failed. He didn't save me from the woman who went bump in the night, usually using my head to make the noise. Until I was 13 I thought he didn't know about the nightmare I lived, but when I found out he did I was mad. If that's even close to the right word. I rebelled in true teenage fashion he fought back in true hard ass fashion. If he hit me, I shut down more. If he told family how horrible I was omitting his breaking belts on me, I rebelled more. It was a never ending battle of the wills. Still is to this day.
For over 20 years he and I have carried our grudges, him mad he couldn't break my will, me mad he tried.
I know this makes me sound bitter, sorry I in some ways always will be. I've actually gotten to where I appreciate, that he tried. He'll never be the dad that gives hugs, or walks me down any aisle, but he's my daddy. So this fathers day I thank him, for trying, for doing his best, and encourage all dad's to do your best. Learn from other dad's short comings and be more. Happy fathers day.

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